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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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what went wrong


i shoved a dildo up my ass


what do you mean?


1000 rules


you know what i mean


despite the fact that being less rulecucked just made more people leave


File: 1734517925829.png (132.62 KB, 806x542, 1734517922286.png)

>being unrulecucked is when you get banned for posting wojaks, spam, gore or tnd
>ermmm ACKSHUALLY old sharty was le sfw spamfree safespace. STOP HAVING FUN HECKIN XITTER IMMIGRANTS, GET BANNED


i meant when the rules were less strict tho
i feel like alot of soyteens these days just prefer le safe space or whatever, which i think just make our reputation worse when we were allowing that stuff

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