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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. "squirreljak" - 110$
2. heckingemmy - 101$
3. "piss" - 100$

If you wish to place a bid contact me at [email protected] and I'll add your bid here
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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.


Please make sure to archive any content you'd like to keep, especially OCs. The Shemmy booru will remain online even after the shutdown, so feel free to upload your files there.

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what if we moved to one of these imageboards?
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make a new one ev&oe the tumblr community will only get like 5 posts ever at most





Oh wow, I just realized I made a Tumblr in like 2017 and I didn't even know it. Gonna join this.



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I want to go to Germany to live and sit on the backs of the Krauts, on welfare and part-time work (because i'm under 18)
Is that a good idea?


forgot to add fixed award


Cope, now everybody knows you're 12.

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Are you looking for a great place to migrate to?

The Nutty is here for you!


Only the nuttiest niggas can post on Squirrel Party.

No pedos allowed.
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I’ll be moving there






squirrely bump


Nutxisters won.

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Its time to move to X - Blaze Your Glory!


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Lets go to leftpol


genuinely way better than X

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Looks like your time has come, but do not worry! The Soyjak Blog will take you with open arms! Register today: https://blog.soyjak.st
>/incel/ ('cord drama)
>/lgbt/ - Hidden board, spam email DOLL for access.
>And many other boards for you to check out!
Erm, but I got banned there for X reason!
Unless you're a foodist pedo, just rejoin it!
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Make one then


Read the ban-evasion instructions. You have to slowburn it which takes time. I'll make one the next time I go out of state, which I frequently do.


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Remember to join the Schlog ShemARYANs and contribute to amazing discussion threads like this one!




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I call on artfags to fulfill my request




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Post your eyes shemmyshits
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first actual eye in the thread award


HO is you magical 💗


post wih time stamp or post id


Czechsissa dont go


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Looks like your time has come, but do not worry! Reddit.com will take you with open arms! Register today: https://reddit.com
>And many other boards for you to check out!
Erm, but I got banned there for X reason!
Unless you're a racist bigot, just rejoin it!
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Holy gem. Just created an account.


just joined



there doesn't seem to be anything here


No one ever posted on it.

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>or however the way is wrong

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This project was created due to wanting to give control of communication and data back to the people. Social media is the lifeblood of the modern Internet, to censor someone is to cut them off from a significant part of society. Reddit/Facebook, even twitter have become a lot more corporatised in recent years, its interests no longer allign with users.

Seedit is a selfhosted, opensource, adminless nonprofit social media. The github link is at the bottom. It runs on peer-to-peer . Surprisingly, its not been used like this before. Due to P2P it can scale to an infinite number of users for no cost.

A community can be created by anyone with a button click. It can be owned by a single or group of people. The community is self hosted and can be seeded or backed up by anyone. The owner has full control over the community - can add moderators, delete posts, ban users, have requirements to post. The possibilities are limitless. Communities cannot be taken down. If an owner goes insane, seeders who have a copy of the community can simply recreate it and carry on as before.

Seedit only hosts text. Images from google and other sites can be linked/embedded in posts. This fixes the issue of hosting any nefarious content.

Devs are politically neutral and aim to foster a positive and non-toxic social media site. It has an official list of recomended subs, these will all be family friendly subs. Its easy to request to be added to the list to improve discoverability. Toxic subs cant be derezzed,

Seedit is more accessible then Lemmy, mastodon due to not needing instances. Moderators can still ban ips or share ban lists of spammers if they so wish.

all that matters is open sourcing social media. The democratic flow of accessible information is the most important thing. There's currently 3 fulltime devs.

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how will i rizz if not on soygem party?

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"Requiem for Soygem"
(To the tune of a wistful ballad)

Verse 1:
Oh, there once was a place called soygem.party,
A haven for the lost, a world quite hearty.
The Shemmy, they called it, with memes so bright,
But its flame burned out in the dead of night.

They dreamed of glory, to stand on their own,
But the shadow of Sharty loomed over their throne.
The jokes fell flat, the posts grew cold,
And the Shemmy’s tale was quietly told.

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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


it’s shit


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I made this btw


And it's a glistening gemerald.



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